About This Platform
This platform provides good practices that combine decarbonization and well-being in G7 countries, stakeholders, and international organizations.
According to the Synthesis Report of the IPCC AR6, Demand-side measures and new ways of end-use service provision can reduce global GHG emissions in end-use sectors by 40–70% by 2050 compared to the baseline scenarios.
Individual behavior has tremendous potential in climate mitigation measures. The G7 Climate, Energy and Environment Ministers’ Communiqué (Sapporo, April 16, 2023) under the chairmanship of Japan mentioned the strengthening of demand-side measures through consumer behavior and lifestyle changes. At the G20 Environment and Climate Ministers‘ Meeting (Chennai, July 26, 2023) under the chairmanship of India, the Outcome Document and Chair's Summary mentioned promoting international cooperation and sharing of experiences and best practices on empowering sustainable consumer choices and preferences. Both of these statements point to the importance of sharing experiences and good practices from different countries in order to promote demand-side initiatives.