
- Canada Greener Homes Initative
- Free Heat Pump Program (PEI)
- Oil to Electric Incentive Program (NL)
- Smart Cities Challenge
- Enhanced Energy Savings Program (NB)
- Our Climate, Our Future - Nova Scotia's Climate Change Plan for Clean Growth
- 2040 Net Zero Framework: Accelerating Our Transition to a Clean, Sustainable Economy (PEI)
- Our Pathway Towards Decarbonization and Climate Resilience - New Brunswick's Climate Change Action Plan 2022-2027
- Climate Action and Awareness Fund (CAAF)
- Plan for a green economy 2030
Canada Greener Homes Initative
The Canada Greener Homes Initiative will help homeowners save money, create new jobs across Canada for energy advisors and fight climate change. The initiatives included are the Canada Greener Homes Grant, Canada Greener Homes Loan Oil to Heat Affordability Program, and Canada Greener Affordable Housing.
In Nova Scotia, The Canada Greener Homes Grant is being co-delivered by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) and Efficiency Nova Scotia, through the Home Energy Assessment (HEA) program. Grants are provided to eligible homeowners for recommended and eligible retrofits such as home insulation, windows and doors, heat pumps and renewable energy systems.
Further information
Canada Greener Homes Grant
Free Heat Pump Program (PEI)
Islanders with an annual household net income of $75,000 or less may be eligible for a free heat pump for their home. To be eligible, applicants must own their home, it must be their principle residence, and the property must be valued at $300,000 or less (tax assessed value).
The application can also be used to apply for free insulation and a free electric hot water heater. Prince Edward Island and the Government of Canada are working together to help low- and median-income Canadian households who are currently heating their homes with oil to make the transition to electric cold-climate heat pumps. The new federal Oil to Heat Pump Affordability Program provides up to $5,000 for eligible households to make this switch and may be combined with funding available under the provincial Free Heat Pump Program as well as other federal programs, including up to $5,000 from the Canada Greener Homes Grant.
Further information
Free Heat Pump Program | Government of Prince Edward Island
Oil to Electric Incentive Program (NL)
The Oil to Electric Incentive Program provides incentives for technologies, including mini splits, multi splits, central heat pumps, electric furnaces and electric boilers. Incentives are available to oil-fueled homeowners with rebate amounts of up to $17,000 for low and moderate-income households.
In June 2023, the Provincial Government, in collaboration with Natural Resources Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada announced just over $157 million towards implementation of new fuel switching and energy efficiency incentive programs over the next four fiscal years. Under the Oil to Electric Incentive Program, over 40,000 households are estimated to be eligible. Households that have already received Greener Homes funding through the Government of Canada may be eligible for lower incentives. The program is delivered through takeCHARGE, a joint initiative between Newfoundland Power and Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro.
Further information
OiltoElectric – TakeCHARGE
Smart Cities Challenge
The Smart Cities Challenge is a pan-Canadian competition open to all municipalities, local or regional governments, and Indigenous communities (First Nations, Métis and Inuit). The Challenge empowers communities to adopt a smart cities approach to improve the lives of their residents through innovation, data, and connected technology. In 2019, the Town of Bridgewater, Nova Scotia was awarded $5 million for its proposal to reduce energy poverty.
The Energize Bridgewater project is guided by three key goals:
1. To reduce energy poverty in our community
2. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions
3. To reduce and stabilize energy costs
Energize Bridgewater's team works towards the program’s goal of reducing the energy poverty rate in the community by 20% by 2026. The program delivers funding and support for home efficiency upgrades to lower energy bills, connects people to community services (housing, social services), establishes public transit, and helps people install solar panels.
Further information
Energize Bridgewater
Enhanced Energy Savings Program (NB)
The Enhanced Energy Savings Program, will offer a free mini-split heat pump and upgraded insulation – along with free installation of both – to homeowners who use electric baseboard heating and have a combined gross household income under $70,000. Other homeowners in that income bracket with an alternate heating source are eligible for upgraded insulation free of charge.
The Government of NB and NB Power are working together to deliver the Enhanced Energy Savings Program. Homeowners participating in the program can expect to reduce their energy expenditures by about $500 annually by adding a mini-split heat pump and upgrading their insulation. Renters can apply to receive free energy efficiency kits containing LED bulbs, shower heads and power bars. The provincial government is investing $30 million in the program.
Further information
Hello | New Brunswick Energy Efficiency Programs
Our Climate, Our Future - Nova Scotia's Climate Change Plan for Clean Growth
Nova Scotia's Climate Change Plan for Clean Growth released in 2022 outlines what government is doing to support progress toward reduced greenhouse gas emissions, responding to the impacts of climate change and fostering clean inclusive growth for all Nova Scotians. In particular, it outlines pathways to reach greenhouse gas emissions targets: reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 53% below 2005 levels by 2030 and achieve net-zero by 2050.
Nova Scotians want action on climate change to protect our environment, our economy, our well-being, and our quality of life. The climate change plan is government’s commitment to collaborate with Nova Scotians to develop a sustainable future for the province. The climate change plan’s actions are grouped into the following areas:
1. Responding to climate impacts
2. Reducing our greenhouse gas emissions
3. Seizing opportunities for a cleaner sustainable economy
4. Reporting and evaluating progress
The climate change plan has 68 actions that were informed by the climate change risk assessment, conversations with Nova Scotians, and local opportunities for action. The climate change plan builds on past work by strengthening current programs and supporting new projects. The plan will help the province reach goals under the Environmental Goals and Climate Change Reduction Act.
Further information
ns-climate-change-plan.pdf (PDF, 3.6MB)
2040 Net Zero Framework: Accelerating Our Transition to a Clean, Sustainable Economy (PEI)
The plan, 2040 Net Zero Framework, “Accelerating our transition to a clean, sustainable economy” provides the framework for PEI to achieve the goals and targets required to be Canada’s first Net Zero Province. A framework that will see Prince Edward Island sequestering an amount equal to, or greater than, our greenhouse gas emissions. It provides a focus on targeted reductions in the province's emissions profile and directions on how the Province plans on achieving these reductions.
The 2040 Net Zero Framework states that reaching net zero emissions will require incremental and significant changes to Islanders' daily lives and to the industries and sectors that contribute to the economic well-being of our provice. The plan includes the following pillars:
Pillar 1: Transform the Way People and Goods Move
Pillar 2: Transition to Efficient and Cleaner Buildings
Pillar 3: Shape Agriculture for PEI's Transition to Net Zero
Pillar 4: Remove Carbon Through Forestry, Technologies and Emerging Opportunities
Pillar 5: Create A Clean Industry and Waste Advantage
Pillar 6: Inspire Transformational Change through Leadership and Engagement
One of the solutions within the plan which is applied to the pillars is: ensure efficient and affordable use of energy (conservation and efficiency).
Further information
2040_net_zero_framework_for_feb_23_2022.pdf (PDF, 5.7MB)
Our Pathway Towards Decarbonization and Climate Resilience - New Brunswick's Climate Change Action Plan 2022-2027
Our Pathway Towards Decarbonization and Climate Resilience features three pillars: government leadership and accountability, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for climate change.
The plan includes the following objectives which support one of the three pillars:
- Growing New Brunswickers' awareness of climate change and building the capacity to respond to the challenges and opportunities posed by a changing climate.
- Making buildings more energy efficient by supporting energy savings programs for all sectors and all fuels.
- Growing economic opportunities in the low-carbon economy
Further information
climate-change-action-plan.pdf (PDF, 5.6MB)
Climate Action and Awareness Fund (CAAF)
The Environmental Damages Fund (EDF) is a specified purpose account administered by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) to direct funds received from fines, court orders and voluntary payments to priority projects that will benefit Canada’s natural environment. Projects may focus on restoration, environmental quality improvement, research and development, or education and awareness. The Environmental Damages Fund helps to ensure that environmental good follows environmental harm by supporting projects with measurable outcomes in Canadian communities.
The Climate Action and Awareness Fund (CAAF) was created with contributions from the EDF. The Climate Action and Awareness Fund is investing up to $206 million over five years to support Canadian-made projects that help to reduce Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions. The Climate Action and Awareness Fund is designed to support projects that can create middle class jobs for Canadians who work in science and technology, academia, and at the grassroots community level. These projects are critical as we continue to build a sustainable net-zero emissions economy by 2050.
The Climate Action and Awareness Fund has three main priorities:
• Support to youth climate awareness and Community-based climate action:
Projects encourage youth awareness, engagement and action on climate change issues and solutions, and provide knowledge, tools and/or skills that lead to or engage communities in climate action.
• Support climate research at Canadian think tanks and in academia:
Projects focus on identifying, accelerating, and evaluating climate mitigation solutions and strategies that will contribute to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in Canada.
• Advancing climate change science and technology:
Projects will strengthen Canada’s science capacity to identify, accelerate, and evaluate mitigation actions towards achieving net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 in Canada.
Further information
Climate Action and Awareness Fund -
For examples of previous, and currently funded EDF and CAAF projects, please visit the EDF Project Map:
Plan for a green economy 2030
The Quebec government's climate change policy framework outlines the government's major commitments, particularly in the areas of greenhouse gas emissions reduction, resilience to climate change, and economic development.
The plan reaffirms Quebec's long-term commitment to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. Quebec has already joined the coalition of federated states and regions that signed the 2021 Under2 Memorandum of Understanding, collectively committing to reach carbon neutrality by 2050. Quebec is also participating in the United Nations' "Race to Zero" campaign, whose members aim to achieve carbon neutrality no later than 2050.
Further information
Plan pour une économie verte | Gouvernement du Québec