
Photovoltaic Self-Consumption Portal
The Photovoltaic Self-Consumption Portal is a platform introduced by GSE (Gestore dei Servizi Energetici), the Italian state-owned agency active in the clean energy transition sector. It allows private consumers, enterprises, public administrations, groups of self-consumers and energy communities who intend to install or employ photovoltaic systems to obtain detailed information on the advantages of self-consumption and electricity sharing. The platform includes: guides, FAQ, virtuous examples, maps, a tool for advanced techno-economic simulations on the plants and a support service for the installation procedures.
The project objective is to develop additional PV capacity and promote self-consumption on existing buldings, in order to contribute actively to energy transition while reducing land-use.
Private consumers, enterprises, public administrations, groups of self-consumers and energy communities can access to a series of economic and environmental advantages by choosing self-consumption or electricity sharing, such as:
(1) Savings on bills;
(2) Valorisation of the energy produced or shared;
(3) Tax deductions for PV plants;
(4) Reduction of environmental impact.
Further information
* There may be temporary unavailability of access from some regions at the moment
PV E.A.S.T. "Photovoltaic - Easy - Attractive - Social - Timely"
PV E.A.S.T. is an initiative conducted by GSE (Gestore dei Servizi Energetici), the Italian state-owned agency active in the clean energy transition sector. The project, based on a behavioral change model, aims at sparking emulation through nudges. The underlying idea is to encourage virtuous behaviors by simplifying the communication language (Easy), drawing people's attention (Attractive), showing other people's correct behaviors to elicit emulation (Social) and engaging people's participation when they are more receptive (Timely). The experiment conducted on photovoltaic plants' owners effectively encouraged them to improve their performance, leading to positive results without obligations and preserving their freedom of choice.
Initiatives like this, aiming at promoting the follow-up of energy-environmental sustainability, allow the GSE to explore new areas of effectiveness in its actions and create synergies that converge the interest of individuals to improve their well-being with the common objective to generate sustainable develpment.
The project introduces an effective tool for governments to:
(1) Encourage prosumers to keep plant efficient;
(2) Give value to investments;
(3) Reach decarbonisation targets.
Further information
* There may be temporary unavailability of access from some regions at the moment