UNIC Tokyo

Promise of 1.5℃ climate action campaign

The United Nations Information Centre, Tokyo (UNIC Tokyo) and its media partners have joined forces to promote the “Promise of 1.5℃. Act now to stop global warming” campaign, aiming to leverage the power of the media to call for climate actions. This joint campaign has been in its second-year installment since 20 March 2023 to be continued till the end of 2023, and as of 30th October 2023, 155 media partners, big and small, national and local, of various business models, have announced participation from across Japan. These are all members of the SDG Media Compact which is a global cooperation framework between the UN and media companies in promotion of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The "Promise of 1.5℃" campaign is the first country-level joint campaign for the UN together with various media partners initiated under the SDG Media Compact.
The objective of this campaign is, through power of media in information dissemination and public engagement, to promote the understanding of why it is necessary to limit the global average temperature rise to 1.5ºC above the pre-industrial level, to propose concrete actions to stop global warming, and to encourage individuals and organizations to change their behaviors.
Media companies participating in this campaign are enhancing public understanding of the reality of climate change through their programmes, editorial contents, websites, social media, and events. In these efforts, they have taken advantage of global events including Group of Seven (G7) meetings hosted by Japan and this year’s UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai as well as extreme weather events which Japan is not immune to. Moreover, they have been proposing actions to scale up and accelerate climate actions and to show how the “Promise of 1.5ºC” is indeed relevant to every individual, group, institution and organization. Furthermore, these participating media companies are expected to set more ambitious organizational climate action efforts.
Further information
「1.5℃の約束 – いますぐ動こう、気温上昇を止めるために。」国連とメディアによる共同キャンペーン2年目、きょうからスタート | 国連広報センター
https://www.unic.or.jp/news_press/info/47272/?lang=en (about the launch of the second year installment of the campaign in March 2023)
Media unite behind ‘Promise of 1.5°C’ climate campaign in disaster-prone Japan - United Nations Sustainable Development
3 campaign teaser videos:
Video message of UNIC Tokyo Director on the launch of the second year installment of the campaign