Grenoble Métropole Climate Air Energy Plan

GRENOBLE's commitment to the environment is widely recognized, both in France and internationally. In 2022, Grenoble was awarded the title of European Green Capital by the European Union.
Like more than 450 local governments, the Grenoble metropolitan area is uniting its stakeholders to take up the challenge of climate change and air quality with its Climate Air Energy Plan 2020-2030, which comprises five families of actions:
1 - Adapting the region to climate change
2 - Combating air pollution and reducing greenhouse gas emissions
3 - Enhancing resources to reduce our carbon footprint and store CO2
4 - Collective mobilization
5 - Setting an example through local government
Name of Organization
Grenoble Alpes Métropole
Further information
Le Plan Climat Air Énergie de la Métropole - Partenaires Plan Climat Air Energie