G7 Platform for Net-zero and
Well-being in Life

Edmonton Community Energy Transition Strategy

City of Edmonton

Edmonton's Community Energy Transition Strategy is the city's climate change mitigation plan and path forward for a low carbon city. The Strategy will help shape Edmonton’s future economy and the way Edmonton is built—transforming how energy is generated, how people move around the city, how buildings are constructed, all through the lens to ensure a just and equitable transition. Targets include: reducing community-based net greenhouse gas emissions by 35% (compared to 2005 levels) by 2025; reducing community-based net greenhouse gas emissions by 50% (compared to 2005) by 2030, reduce energy consumption by 35% per person by 2030 (compared to 2005 levels), and generate 10% of Edmonton's electricity locally by 2030; and achieving net-zero per person greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.



Name of Organization

City of Edmonton

Further information

Community Energy Transition Strategy | City of Edmonton
https://www.edmonton.ca/city_government/city_vision_and_strategic_plan/energy-transitionOpen in New Window