City of Burnaby Climate Action Framework

The targets of the Climate Action framework are 45% reductions by 2030, 75% by 2040 and carbon neutral by 2050. In declaring a Climate Emergency, Council recognized that the dangers posed by the climate crisis warrant strong and urgent action by all levels of government, including local government. While the Climate Emergency declaration is largely symbolic, its adoption communicates recognition of a crisis and the intent to mobilize resources. The Framework will be supported by the City's strong and ambitious carbon emission reduction targets, aligned with
regional targets, that commit the City to an energy transition by or before 2050; sustained resourcing for climate action, including in operating and capital budgets; support from the community- both residents and businesses; and, strong climate commitments, action and resourcing from senior governments.
Name of Organization
City of Burnaby
Further information
filestream.ashx (PDF, 2.6MB)