City of Coquitlam Environmental Sustainability Plan

The Environmental Sustainability Plan (ESP), the first of its kind for the City of Coquitlam, is a forward-looking plan to guide future decisions that support the long-term environmental resiliency and sustainability of the community. Designed to align with and complement overarching City plans such as Coquitlam’s Strategic Plan and Citywide Official Community Plan (CWOCP), the ESP provides a strategic and sustainable pathway for the City towards achieving the vision of a community that “sustains a high quality of life for current and future generations, where people choose to live, learn, work and play”. The ESP links existing and future environmental actions together in a single plan with clear goals and targets coupled with specific actions for implementation. The ESP will continue to enhance the City’s established leadership in environmental sustainability and support its ongoing integration into other City projects and policies.
Name of Organization
City of Coquitlam
Further information
Environmental-Sustainability-Plan-PDF(PDF, 6.8MB)