Regina Energy and Sustainability Framework

The Energy and Sustainability Framework provides the City of Regina with a low-carbon pathway to make informed decisions that mitigate climate change, support continued growth, and ensure a sustainable future for our community. The Framework outlines actions to achieve reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and change the way we use and source energy, while collective benefits for our environment, economy, community well-being and quality of life. These actions guide the City of Regina as it goes about setting policies and programs, making necessary investments, and establishing partnerships that will help achieve our target of becoming a renewable, net-zero emissions community that is known for its vibrancy, inclusivity, and resiliency. The seven big moves identified by the Framework are: retrofitting existing buildings, net-zero new construction, fuel switching our heating, renewable energy generation, reducing vehicle emissions, increasing active transportation and transity use, and cleaning and re-energizing industry.
Name of Organization
City of Regina
Further information
City of Regina | Renewable Regina